Saturday, September 13, 2008

2001 - The Door within Door

"Refining the body to accumulate qi" (RBAQ) is the foundational method of Ancestors Chong and Lu's dandao, "Yin Xian Fa" is the core component of RBAQ. So editing the portions of my book on Yin Xian Fa is an important task.

When I wrote "Walk on the Great Path", I collected as much information on Yin Xian Fa as taught by Master Wang as possible. Then I removed the overlapped materials, converted them into words that is as easy to understand as possible but without distorting what Master Wang actually said so that the reader would not be misled. It was mainly a job of reorganization existing materials, I didn't put any of my though into it. That was the first edition.

When I rewrote "Walk on the Great Path", I followed the principle of "each level has its methods and each method has several stages". Yin Xian Fa has 12 methods, each method has its goal. In order to reach the goal, I concentrated on each step that is needed to be followed and for each step, I detailed the exact ways that it needed to be done. For example, the first method is "Collect your mind to sit quietly", the objective is clearly stated in the name but how to sit ? how to sit quietly ? and how to collect yout mind? So I divided "Collect your mind to sit quietly" into three segments :

(1) Sit crossed leg. (2) Sit Quietly. (3) Collect your mind to sit quietly.

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