Sunday, June 1, 2008

1992 - Formation practice

After the seminar had ended, I stayed at Master Wang's home for a night together with 2 friends from Beijing, 1 from Canada and a well-known Buddhist monk. The monk mentioned that the night before, he slept on Master Wang's bed but he could only slept till mid-night and then after that, he just couldn't fall asleep again, he needed to lay on the floor to sleep again. I was curious about this and he told me to ask Master Wang. Master Wang said, "There are magnets embedded in my bed to form a special formation. Normal person can not endure it. There were a group of Japanese who made some sample magnetic beds for my inspection. When they arrived in my house, the beds' magnetic pattern were changed, They didn't understand why and were quite embarrassed. Their design weren't as good as ours. Too clumsy." When I asked Master Wang the reasons, he said,"The magnetic field of the formation ran in the same direction, why don't you do some research on magnetism and then we can talk more." From that point on, magnetic formation had become one of my research topics.

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